Should you major in journalism? Here are stories from eight working journalists who didn't
4 months agoThe first time Emily Kask, 24, tried journalism school, it didn't work out. Clearly plenty of people are taking this advice: The number of new graduates with a degree in journalism or a related field is on the rise, according to the National Center for Education Statistics - even as many journalism jobs vanish. Journalism school, since its inception at my alma mater the University of Missouri, has long been a subject of debate. Is journalism a job that requires a four-year journalism degree to do? What about graduate degrees? Students who are considering whether to major in journalism should ask themselves, "What else would I do? What else am I passionate about?" Mack suggested. "If you decide that maybe journalism school isn't a great fit for you, then take every opportunity to build up the skills that you will need in journalism outside of your curriculum." Brittany King, 25, wanted to be a journalist for as long as she could remember, but being one of the only brown people in her journalism classes at the University of Missouri was tough. Read more