Jeff Bezos: 'The internet ... is a confirmation bias machine' | TrainMyNews

Jeff Bezos: 'The internet ... is a confirmation bias machine'

4 months ago
Jeff Bezos: 'The internet ... is a confirmation bias machine'

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos told a Wired event that social media companies are fomenting polarization by creating echo chambers for their users. "I think social media is increasing identity politics, [and] tribalism. I think the internet in its current incarnation is a confirmation bias machine," Bezos said. "If you have a going in point of view and you go do some searches, you find confirmation of your point of view. If your newsfeed is showing you things, it's showing you things that confirm your point of view by and large." Confirmation bias as a feature, not a bugA 2017 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Google's search has consistently been accused of political bias. Conspiracy theory rabbit holes on YouTube show how users can create confirmation bias feedback loops. While Bezos was quick to point the finger at social media giants, the world's richest man on paper. Read more