<b>Digiday's</b> Tweet - ""Facebook has the reach, but it's a monolithic platform that's designed to engage ... | TrainMyNews

Digiday's Tweet - ""Facebook has the reach, but it's a monolithic platform that's designed to engage ...

2 months ago
<b>Digiday's</b> Tweet - ""Facebook has the reach, but it's a monolithic platform that's designed to engage ...

Digiday's Tweet - "Facebook has the reach, but it's a monolithic platform that's designed to engage the customer in certain behavior that isn't always right for the conversation we want to have." " on Trendsmap. Detailed analytics, stunning visualisations and more. Pricing starts at just $25. Login via Twitter to start your free trial now. Don't have a Twitter account? You can also register via Facebook or Instagram. Existing users can login here Our trial allows access to only the 8 hour timeframe for this page. A Trendsmap Plus subscription provides full access to all available timeframes. Read more