Americans Trust Local <b>News</b>. That Belief Is Being Exploited. | TrainMyNews

Americans Trust Local News. That Belief Is Being Exploited.

3 months ago
Americans Trust Local <b>News</b>. That Belief Is Being Exploited.

As consumers become more skeptical about the national news they encounter online, impostor local sites that promote ideological agendas are becoming more common. These sites exploit the relatively high trust Americans express in local news outlets - a potential vulnerability in Americans' defenses against untrustworthy information. According to researchers at N.Y.U., the fake local news accounts frequently directed readers to genuine local news articles about polarizing political and cultural topics. The media giant Sinclair has similarly blurred the lines between local and national journalism in television news. In the 2018 Poynter Media Trust Survey, the political scientists Andy Guess, Jason Reifler and I found that Americans express greater trust in news from local television and newspapers than from national outlets. First, a Pew survey found that three in four Americans say they follow local news somewhat or very closely - the same fraction as those who report following national news closely. The prevalence of these impostors is likely to increase as the 2020 election approaches, threatening to mislead more voters and to promote greater skepticism toward all news media, including the local outlets that so many Americans rely on and trust. Read more